
Showing posts from April, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Entertainment Services

For all those who love to throw parties and host other celebration gatherings, you all must have heard about the talented a nd committed band of musicians, Arnie Abrahams Entertainment. We have been adding life to various parties in New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia with our live music! This information about us may not enough for you to make a decision, hence we have made it easier for you by listing down all the frequently asked questions! Q. DOES ARNIE ABRAHMS ENTERTAINMENT OFFERS ONLY LIVE MUSIC VIA A PIANO? ANS: The answer to this question is a big NO. Although we have one of the best and award winning pianists, Arnie as our lead musician, we have so much more to offer to our clients. We believe in diversity and also acknowledge the fact that different people have different needs with regards to music taste and music type. And for this very reason we have piano players, keyboard players, jazz guitarists, saxophone players, violinists, cellists, and vocalists. Q. IS ...